4 types of stress and how to relieve them

From chronic headaches to muscle pain, excess stress is always bad news. Read on to learn more

Entertainment Desk September 28, 2020

Stress is perhaps one of the most important issues plaguing our lives today, with long work hours, added responsibilities, and also pandemic woes to add to the list. There are tons of things that are a source of added tension in today’s fast-paced life, and while it has adverse effects on your psychological health, it can also manifest as physical health issues.

From chronic headaches and tiredness to muscle pain and sleep problems, excess stress is always bad news. What’s more, there isn’t just one type of stress that’s a bane for us – there are four different types of stress and of course, there are different ways to relieve them as such.

Read on to learn about these as compiled from Pinkvilla.

  1. Acute stress

Whenever you feel a momentary onset of extreme stress, its acute stress manifesting itself. It is quick and requires a reaction, almost like when we experience a short argument over something important.

Relief technique: Progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, and short meditation routines can help you ease out of this. You can also practice identifying triggers and change the way you look at them but this will take time

  1. Chronic stress

Chronic stress tends to show up almost every day and has the potential to leave you feeling exhausted and drained if you don’t address it.

Relief technique: A viable, long-term solution to this problem is inculcating a healthy lifestyle and making it a routine. Make sure you exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, meditate daily, and try to reinforce supportive and positive relationships.

  1. Emotional stress

This type is mostly caused by personal issues in life like conflicted relationships, and perhaps, is the most deeply impactful form of stress; it can severely damage health and leave you with a strong sense of distress.

Relief technique: This is a bit hard to work through and you need more time to process it. You can jot your feelings down in a journal, talk to a trusted friend, or for a more well-rounded help, you can talk to a therapist. It’s also important to start practicing mindfulness.

  1. Burnout

Prolonged chronic stress causes you to experience what’s referred to as ‘burnout’. It occurs due constant demands, unclear expectations, lack of recognition, etc. and carries the risk of many negative consequences.

Relief technique: The best way to bounce back from this is to take some time off from your daily life; be it your job, family, or friends. Take time out for things you enjoy, indulge in some hobbies, or take that much-needed vacation!

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Imad Ali Khan | 3 years ago | Reply

I usually get headache, i think the reason behind it is i am not making any execution on my plans,i make plans,i think about them. But until now i doesn't make any progress. I am living a life which is not accordance to my plans,and it pushes me in a state of agony.

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