New technology eliminates cancer tumors from the inside out

Researchers have discovered a new technology called SHREAD to eliminate tumor cells by releasing therapeutic agents

New technology developed by researchers at University of Zurich(UZH) helps the body produce therapeutic agents at specific locations when needed. This treatment can reduce the side effects of cancer therapy and improve Covid-related therapies to the lungs.

The Bright Side reported, that the scientists at the University of Zurich modified a common respiratory virus that will deliver genes for cancer therapeutics directly to the tumor cells. This innovative treatment will not harm the other healthy cells of the body, unlike chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The genes once inside the tumor cells will help eliminate tumors from inside out.

Sheena Smith, postdocteral colleague who led the delivery of the development approach, says, "We trick the tumor into eliminating itself through the production of anti-cancer agents by its own cells." The researchers call the technology SHREAD: shielded retargeted Adenovirus. They used a sophisicated method with high-resolution 3D imaging method and tissues that were made transparant, demonstrating how the therepeutic antibody created pores in blood vessels of the tumour and destroy the cells as well.

The scienetists in the Research team have emphasized can be used to treat not only breast cancer but can also help in the delivery of powerful protein-based drugs that can be very toxic. This has also been applied to treat Covid-19 and is being to make vaccines as well like AstraZeneca and Sputnik. The treatment can be given to Covid patients via inhaled aerosol, targeting Covid antibody therapies in lung cells.